Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Swift Water Rescue Clinic

"If your buddy doesn't have a throw bag, give him yours," said the River Store's Gigi McBee, "In case you need it."

That was good advice,  I thought looking out over the South Fork of the American River. The river was running fast.  Kayaks and rafts kept coming by, bouncing in the pillow of waves just upstream from Henningsen Lotus Park.  Smiles and fun were the order of the day.  But, rivers are like that. Your friend one day... Over your head and gasping for air the next.  It's good to be ready for whatever it dishes out.

I recently took part in the Swift Water Rescue Clinic for Novices conducted McBee. The clinic was set up to teach fundamental skills for kayak based rescues, rescue throw bag techniques (throwing & retrieving) and swimming self-rescues. The exercise was designed to improve our skills along with bolstering our awareness and confidence on the river.

The rescue/throw bag is an essential piece of safety equipment used to rescue a swimmer and in some cases,  help unpin trapped boats. There should be a minimum of one per kayak on any trip.  I got mine a few years back after capsizing in icy Otter Tail River and not having one. I ordered it the next day and now it comes on every trip. It is a little faded but still holds up well.

We were instructed to practice softball or sidearm style pitches, trying to get the float bag as far as we could into the stream. Soon bright float bags and yellow ropes crisscross the river like spaghetti.   When re-stuffing the bag we were advised to, coil the rope directly into the bag. Coiling it first and then putting it into the bag can cause a tangle that prevents the rope from smoothly flowing out of the bag when tossed.

Soon we were ready for practicing being both swimmer and rescuer.  First, swim across the river through rapids. After some pointers, our instructor dove in to demonstrate.  She took a couple of strokes, gracefully rolled on to her back in the boil and swam out to another side with ease. Two others followed before it was my turn.

There are two ways of swimming through a rapid. Swim defensively or offensively.  Swimming defensive involves floating downstream in a protected position, lying on my back, feet downstream, arms out to the side and with my body floating on the surface as possible. But, in order to get through the rapid and cross the eddy line, I adopt the offensive swimming technique. Swimming freestyle hard through the boils and whirlpool.

I dove into the current and was washed downstream quickly. The chilly water took my breath away as swam through the rapid to the eddy. I took a quick breath and oriented myself before continuing across.  Misjudging the speed of water  I was quickly being carried away from the group.
"Rope!" was called from shore.
A rescue bag was tossed out to me in a softball style pitch. I instinctive swam toward the lifeline and grabbed the line.  Clinging to it the rescuers will swing me toward the banks of the river. I'd was the first rescue of the day.

I would play both swimmer and rescuer several more times that afternoon.  As a rescuer, I quickly realized how the rope becomes very taut with the pull of swimmer on the end.  Pulling and swinging the swimmer to safety takes some muscle even done correctly using a climber's technique of belaying the rope across my back and hips while another rescuer can assisted me by grabbing the back my PFD and helping with the brace.

The skills taught that weekend was invaluable.  Always have a rescue bag handy, and practice using it.  Also, make sure the folks you boat with have them too. The life that gets saved could be yours.

The River Store offers a variety of clinics and workshops throughout the paddling season. For more information, visit them online at

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Escape to Alcatraz Sailing Adventure

On any given weekend sailboats, catamarans and ferries race back and forth across San Francisco Bay.  Clear skies, calm moderate breezes in some places around the bay, working up to those strong wild winds coming through the Golden Gate provide spectacular sailing conditions for all. It was something I always dreamed about doing. When sail boating friends offered my wife and I, a day on the bay we climbed aboard with excitement.
 San Francisco Bay surrounded by both the picturesque landscape and  the city's skyline is a sailor's paradise. Angel Island, Mount Tamalpais and infamous "Rock" of Alcatraz were the backdrop to our sailing adventure. Stunning views of the Golden Gate Bridge and the new Bay Bridge will amazed any sightseers, but seeing them from water was extraordinary treat.
 We started our voyage on Treasure Island. We rounded the island, before heading due west to Alcatraz. After a time of bouncing in the waves, we turned south to enjoy the city's waterfront and skyline.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Training, Loading & Racing for Eppie's Great Race.

Eppie's Pre-Race Kayak Clinics

Current Adventures Kayak School, in conjunction with Eppie's Great Race and the The River City Paddlers, sponsored paddling instruction clinics for several weeks to get paddlers ready for the Eppie G Johnson Memorial Pre-Race and Eppie's Great Race.
 Kayak instructors and top competitors from the local kayak racing scene provide inside tips and insight into the techniques and strategies that can help the paddlers be more effective and safe during Eppie’s Great Race.

Like in the scene from the movie Braveheart,  Dan Crandall of Current Adventures inspires the paddlers.


San Juan Rapids
The Eppie Johnson Memorial Canoe & Kayak Race
 Paddlers were invited to join the flotilla of kayaks floating down the American River in honor of Eppie Johnson, the originator of Eppie's Great Race, who passed away in September.  There were
snacks, awards and great prizes for all paddlers after the race at River Bend Park.

Folks toss flowers into the American River in remembrance of Johnson.
 John Weed escorts Eppies' kayak down the river.
Weed and Crandall at the after race celebration.
Going down the river with a Current Adventures training session.
Sunset on the American River.

Kayak heaven. Kayaks being prepared for the racers.

Getting the boats ready for the race.

Eppie's Great Race Day"The Great Race" is an annual triathlon that includes running, biking, and paddling. On race day, boats are unloaded and place on both sides of the Jim Jones Bridge for the paddling part of the triathlon. Current Adventures had over 90 kayaks rented out for the race.


Ready to race.

Kayaks on the American River Parkway
Finish line at River Bend Park

Friday, July 11, 2014

Kayaking Tandem, Date Night on Folsom Lake

Tandem Date Night on Folsom Lake
 In his book, author Gil Stieglitz in Marital Intelligence stresses five foolproof guides to strengthening your marriage. The book is being used as part of our couples enrichment class coursework at our church. As I read through the book's five problems facing married couples, it struck me like being whacked over the head with a paddle, they also apply to canoeing and tandem kayaking.

Meeting Each Others' Needs:  First of all, remember how you promised to take her on a luxury Viking River Cruise that you see in the commercial before Downtown Abbey.  Well, this isn't it. But, finding a little common ground is a good way to start. You are there to paddle, so your needs are met already. After you unload the boat, pack the lunch and the camping gear inside. Comfort is key, make sure her seat is dry and her gear is safe.  After that,  help her rub on her sunscreen and push off. On a peaceful night with the setting sun, a cruise of beauty and inspiration will give you some great one on one time.

Immature Behaviors  Remember on the junior high church canoe trip how there was always that guy who splashed and swamped the girl's canoes and then laughed when they came out of the water soaking wet?  Those days are over. If you ever want to kayak with her again, the whole idea is to keep the water out of the boat and off your mate. Keep the craft stable and emphasize safety and fun. Remain calm and patient. Nothing sinks a boat trip faster than yelling at your inexperienced paddling partner. Providing a relaxed fun environment will ensure she will be eager to go again.

Clashing Temperaments  We often hear tandem kayaks or canoes being called "divorce boats"You put a couple in a boat to make them work together and often a squabble will ensue before getting to the other end of the lake. One will attempt to steer from the bow (front), while the mate will trying to navigate from the bow (back).  Before long they are going in circles or worse, crashing into rocks.
You should remember to work as a team and make compromises. Paddling is like dancing. Keep rhythm with your paddling partner by communicating direction, synchronizing to their strokes and where to stop for lunch or a good place to swim or hike.

 Competing relationships   Honey,'re just not listening to me, is a tandem kayaking conundrum. With the front rider is facing bow with their mouth and ears are pointing forward, it is difficult for the person in the stern to hear things like Awe, look the cute little deer or  LOOK OUT FOR THE ROCK!
The bow (front) paddler is the eyes of the kayak and directs the stern (back) paddler around obstacles that can't be seen because their view is blocked. The person in front needs to look back when talking to their paddling partner.
The kayakers must also share the same tempo in paddling the boat. I like to paddle like a machine with powerful deep movements while Debbie's stroke resembles a dipping and chipping motion. I splash, while she leaves the water in the lake. I adjust my stroke to hers to avoid hitting our paddles. Slow it down and take it easy. And really, what is the hurry anyway?

Past Baggage  The reason you are out there in the first place is to have fun and get away for awhile. Leave the bills, laundry, and chores at home and enjoy the serenity of the lake. This is chance for you both to energize your body, spirit and soul and find harmony in being together.

Paddling together is a successful marriage of working in partnership to get across the lake or down river. Sharing these experiences with a partner will hopefully bring your bond even closer.  Follow these rules and even in rough waters, it will be a smooth ride.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Record Pace...My First 6 Months of Kayaking

Paddling day #1 Jan 1, Folsom Lake

My California paddling portfolio after 73 days of paddling so far in 2014. Each day has brought an escape and adventure.  These are just some of the beautiful places I have kayaked this year.

Paddling Day #10, Jan 31, Lake Clementine

 Paddling Day #19, Feb 25, Folsom Lake

Paddling Day #27, March 19, Lake Natoma

The two best reasons to buy a kayak rather than just renting are sunsets and sunrises. -- Thomas P. Jones

 Paddling Day #31, March 25, Folsom lake
Paddle Day #36 April 6, The American River Parkway

         Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.
        A. A. Milne, Pooh's Little Instruction Book   

Paddling Day #37, April 8, Folsom Lake

Paddling Day #60 North Arm of Folsom Lake

Rivers must have been the guides which conducted the footsteps of the first travelers. They are the constant lure, when they flow by our doors, to distant enterprise and adventure, and, by a natural impulse, the dwellers on their banks will at length accompany their currents to the lowlands of the globe, or explore at their invitation the interior of continents.

- Henry David Thoreau

Paddling Day #69 June 18, Lake Natoma

    The Sun shines not on us but in us. The Rivers flow not past, But through us.   John Muir

Paddling Day 71  June 21, Lake Natoma

The first river you paddle runs through the rest of your life. It bubbles up in pools and eddies to remind you who you are.
- Lynn Noel, Voyages: Canada's Heritage Rivers

Paddling Day #73 June 26, Lake Valley Reservoir

Friday, June 20, 2014

Rolling, Rolling Rolling... Part I

 I'm a fraud! That is right, a kayaking fraud. Sure, I have kayaked countless rivers and lakes, taking  on some big water and bigger waves. I've paddled both whitewater and flat water while blogging about the joys of boating. Indeed, in the past couple of years,  I have totally become IMMERSED in the sport of kayaking.

  However, being submerged in river while upside down underneath my kayak is whole another thing. On South Fork of the American River,  I hit a ripple wrong, missed my bracing and flipped my kayak. After seconds, I pulled off the spray skirt, kicked free from the kayak and quickly popped to the surface. No panic, I been here before, just another swim for me, again. Another wet exit into another river.  I quickly gathered my kayak and paddle,  kindly refuse help from lady floating nearby on a rubber raft and swam towards the shore. Embarrassing. Here I am a kayaker who has yet to master a roll.
  Underwater everyday for most of my childhood, doing flip and turns with grace and precision, I swam for years in competition. .  It would seem,  I would be a natural at this rolling thing. Still, I flail and fail when overturned in the water. For some reason,  panic and thoughts of,  "so this is what drowning is like," enter my brain. Clearly, the problem has more to do with my head than just getting wet.

Roll & Tune Up Session at the River Store's pool.

 "Each individual's personal mental focus points are by far the most important elements in developing a kayak roll that will work for them whenever and wherever." said Current Adventures veteran instructor Dan Crandall, "Rolling is 90 percent mental. Your instinct tells you get your head out first, when it needs to be last."
    I took part in Crandall's Roll & Tune Up assessment session at The River Store in Lotus, Ca.  He was offering some instruction for folks who have already had some rolling experience and looking to improve their technique. Sitting poolside, I watched boater after boater tweak their rolls into something with style and grace. Waist deep in water, Crandall pointed out tips on making their roll physically and mentally effortless.

"Show me your roll," Crandall said to me in a matter of fact way as I paddled into the middle of pool.
 "I don't really have one," I said wincing at the idea of trying.
  I then attempted a shaky roll anyway. Underwater, I began to fight to get my head above the surface.  Crandall rolled me over and smiled.
 "You're right. You don't have a roll."

 For the rest of my session he built me up while instructing me in this counter intuitive maneuver. In each roll I attempted, no matter how unsuccessful, I gained more and more confidence in being underwater. It was all about taking my time and not working against the boat. On my last attempt I rolled up and back over.  At last some limited success.
 Still, Crandall rewarded me with a slap on my PFD and and an echoing, "Nice!"

 Current Adventures offers regular kayak roll lessons most Saturdays at 5 p.m. Custom kayak roll lessons are available with reservations.  Call (530) 333-9115 or (888) 452-9254 for more information.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Itasca, the Beginning

The morning mist of Lake Itasca.

Now that the first day of summer looms ahead of me, I drift back to where the trees are tallest, days are longest and water pours out over the rocks and starts an amazing journey to the Gulf of Mexico.
 Itasca State Park is Minnesota's oldest and most popular state park. The park was founded in 1891 to protect and commemorate the Headwaters of the Mississippi River.  The park with its geographical and historic appeal, its campgrounds, 50-miles of nature trails and peaceful lakes make it ideal for any type of north woods adventure.

It's easy to find Itasca State Park, located just north of Park Rapids, Minnesota.  But, in the days before it was mapped,  a steady stream of early explorers led many expeditions up the Mississippi to find the 'true source' of the mighty river. In 1832, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft cut his way through a thicket into a small weedy opening and saw what he would later write, "The cheering sight of a transparent body of water burst upon our view. It was Itasca Lake, the source of the Mississippi."

Lake Itasca is small by Minnesota standards with three arms reaching into the majestic northern pines. The West Arm borders the park's wilderness sanctuary.  Bear Paw campground and the Bower Trail line the eastern part of the lake. The Headwaters and most of the parks facilities, swimming beach and boat ramp are located on the northern main part of the lake. On weekends and during the summer, the crowds flock here to see the origin of the Mississippi and to take a dip or rent a canoe.

The Headwaters sign.

Everyone who's ever been there has a memory of crossing over the rocks at the Mississippi's birthplace. A line of hand-laid boulders forms a crude dam at the outlet of the lake. Every kid from Minnesota has had their picture taken here either by the sign or wading in the creek. It's a short hike from the Visitor Center and gift shop to the stream. On hot summer days, folks of all ages will kick off their shoes to wade the cool waters.

Dixon and Noel at the Headwaters.
Having camped and kayaked at Itasca State Park with my family many times, I usually picked a spot near the lake so I could enjoy the early morning and sunset paddles across the water.
Before the sun touches the water, I would carry my kayak from my campsite to the lake. The sound of loons echoing over the lake, a glowing mist hanging like a ghost over the lake, greeted me as I paddled through the reeds to open water.  Lost in the fog, I slid along the lakeshore enjoying the solitude.
Sunsets are just as tranquil on the lake. The water glistens. The sun burns orange and red before falling into the darkness over the forest. Before returning to my campfire for the night, I have often enjoyed a sunset paddle on the lake with the company of only a few fishermen.

A quiet morning along the East Arm of the lake.

Trumpeter swans of the lake.
One of the highlights of paddling the lake is seeing various wildlife. The trumpeter swans seem always aware and just out of distance, while the loons pop up from under the water looking surprised that someone is there. It's welcoming to see many bald eagles, ducks and geese around the lake, as well as deer, beaver, otters and turtles. The long and narrow eastern arm of the lake provides great opportunities for wildlife viewing.

Last day of summer, the first day of fall.
Itasca Lake was my source for serenity. I have great memories of both kayaking and camping along its shore.  In 2012, it was the place I went for my 100th paddling day of the season. Such an accomplishment needed a special place to share that milestone. Now living in California, I think of those days fondly hoping someday to journey back to the beginning.